Saturday, March 27, 2010


This guy is a great guy. He's my best buddy, we're friends since 3rd standard. He is indeed the best friend for many of my friends. He likes to eat great food although he hardly cares about the taste, oh i mean great, big you know lots of  hahah.... he's has a great appetite. We stayed in delhi together. Well precisely iam the one who's gonna land up where he is. He's not very serious kinda guy, a light hearted.

Through the Looking Glass

This is yet another great book from Lewis Caroll. This lets you wonder around crazy peoples when alice gets into a looking glass. The story is fantastic. You can find every piece of intelligent humour making you chuckle.
Coz the story says you shout out before you pain, as it would pain and in that land it cost a thousand pound a second.

Alice in Wonderland

A wild journey of Alice. This is a fantastic book for peoples who can laugh and think at the same time. The imaginary illusions and the authors narration will let you go away from the reality.
I pretty much assume it would be hard and hard to digest the story for peoples loving naked facts.


This is a good and tranquil city. Less population and very quite.
I am here for more than two months, people are much local but still no harm, thats good.
Well the rest still coming up. I start loving sambhar rice.. and curd.

the Thinketh

For him to tread, he seems no retread;
His mind, the glory for him to wander.
"I know, I had, I believe, and I will"
"the days are long and the night still unknown"
"for i to keep the promise and bring the sought";
-and he sees the beauty in the neck o'garland;
still the purity in the rugg'd,
he felt so pleased and charm.
"I know the beauty, the pleasure, and the desire",
"For the meaning in life is what i seek",
-And the more it gets as the end it meets.

The Prelude

Hi, this is not the first, but a rebirth. Its a long time since i originally had a blog, hardly could remember.But things have changed.
I'll try to keep posting good things i like and keep voicing my eternal abode.