Saturday, January 15, 2011

Happy New Year

I always woke up a little late, not that i like it but it does happens unfortunately. Well its kind of a middle of month, and i am posting my New Year message. You see there are lot of things to get not doing what that should be and i agree to it heheh...
The dawn of the year didn't have bashing welcome but, a nice bath around midnight and tidy and neat home( i actually call it home; feel good at home in.hehe..), as the best ones are far away, i didn't celebrate it with pompous and trumpet along.

Well before anything its Pongal today and Happy Pongal to all.

So as i say i need a little more time to come back where i haven't been. I need to hold on till the next dawn and then i could say. 
Well the resolution, i will try to maximise time and minimise space. I will try to buy joy and spend money.
I actually don't have a lot of resolutions per se.

So thats it... heehe.... Happy New Year..

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